What is the ELT Think Tank?

English Language Teaching, ELT, is an art form and requires constant growth to be able to hone in on the necessary skills to motivate your students. Find interesting professional development topics, new creative ideas for activities in class, full lesson plans and interesting links to help you get out of the rut or simply to share knowledge. Please share your thoughts and comment. Let me know if you’ve ever tried out any of the ideas I share and how they’ve worked for you. If you’re learning something new, well let me know how it goes when you put it into practice. The motivation behind creating an ELT ThinkTank is to share ideas with other experienced teachers and hopefully the end result will be to grow as a community.


You’ll be able to find in my ELT Think Tank:

Professional Development articles with up-to-date and interesting topics.

Lesson Plan Ideas with innovative activities and twists that will allow your students to have fun and most importantly learn.

Random thoughts with an eclectic collection of ideas, articles, links that I’ve found while exploring ELT topics.

If you’re in need of links that can help you  when planning classes go to ELT Links

While researching different topics for my talks and teacher training sessions, I usually like to share my thoughts on the topic through White Papers.

If you’re interested in my opinion or need my help with any educational project or training  go to Services and find out more.

Innovative “Think Tanks” for Educators

“Colombian native and American-raised, Tatiana Gomez has been an English teacher since 2001. She is passionate about language and has dedicated the last 10 years of her professional life to creating Corporate English Programs and managing talent nationwide.

She is currently a consultant and trainer for some of the most recognized Institutions and Companies in Colombia. These include the British Council, Oxford University Press, Colegio Mayor de Antioquia, Secretary of Education, and FNL Language Solutions, among others.

Tatiana’s depth of experience and understanding of today’s globally changing educational world, serves as an invaluable reference point, from which she creates strategies and skills that she then offers at her workshops, resulting in synergistic spaces where teachers can interact and create networks of new ideas, to suit their individual needs.  These workshops, or “think tanks”, as her colleagues refer to them, offer teachers and educators an opportunity to tap into the knowledge of what is becoming an ever changing world of language.”

D. Pryde, Business Coach, Harvard Business School

“Every language is just a group of people who agree to understand each other.”

-Erin McKean

To know more about the services I offer click here.

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